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The Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology And Sciences (SHUATS) is established under U.P. Act No. 35 of 2016, as passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature. SHUATS is established and administered by the Ecumenical Minority Christian Society namely the Sam Higginbottom Educational and Charitable Society registered under the Society Registration Act, 1860 in the State of Uttar Pradesh. The University is a united endeavour of the Christian community in India for promoting rural life and development in conformity with the Christian vision of human kind and the creation. The University is held in trust as a common ecumenical heritage by the Christian Churches and Christian Organizations of the country. It seeks to be a national centre of professional excellence in education and service to the people with the participation of students and faculty members from all over India.
The University upholds and strives to achieve the following:
a) Responsible stewardship of the environment and its resources,
b) Sustainable development,
c) Linkage of learning and research to the needs and life of the people,
d) Justice to the minorities, and other weaker sections of the society, especially to women and the rural poor,
e) Holistic formation of the human person in, with and through the community for leadership instilled by Christian values,
f) National unity and communal harmony,
g) International fellowship and cooperation in the educational and developmental ministry in the service of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
In all of the above, the University helps the young and old without coercion or compulsion to deepen their commitment to a life of service as exemplified in JESUS CHRIST; by means of presentation of the Gospel through teaching, worship and witness in accordance with the Christian belief.
Dr. Sam Higginbottom established Allahabad Agricultural Institute (AAI) in 1910. On 15th of March 2000, upon the recommendations of University Grants Commission, and with the approval of Hon'ble Minister of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, the Central Government issued notification No. F-9-26/94-U.3. dated the 15th of March 2000, declaring Allahabad Agricultural Institute as Deemed University.
As a tribute to the founder Dr. Sam Higginbottom, who through his sincere services, hard work and dedication, contributed greatly towards enhancing the agriculture production in our country, a proposal was submitted to Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi to rechristen Allahabad Agricultural Institute-Deemed University as “Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences”. In view of the above, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi vide communication bearing reference No. F.13-7/2008-U.3.A, dated September 22, 2009 approved renaming of the Allahabad Agricultural Institute-Deemed University as: “SAM HIGGINBOTTOM INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE, TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCES” (Formerly Allahabad Agricultural Institute), (Deemed-to-be-University).
In 2016, after considering the adequate availability of teaching / non-teaching staff and other essential infrastructure facilities in the Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences - Deemed University(SHIATS), Allahabad, the Uttar Pradesh Legislature decided to upgrade, reconstitute and establish SHIATS as a full-fledged University under the State Act so as to ensure successive development of Agricultural Education, Research, Extension, Science, Technology and other disciplines in the State. The Uttar Pradesh Legislature was pleased to pass the Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology And Sciences, Uttar Pradesh Bill of 2016, and Hon'ble Governor of Uttar Pradesh very kindly gave his assent on the Bill on 27th December, 2016, thus, the SHUATS Act No. 35 of 2016 was published on 27th December, 2016.
Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology And Sciences, Uttar Pradesh Act, 2016 has been notified in the official Gazette vide Notification No. 1867/79-V-1-16-1(ka)36-2016 dated December 27, 2016.Vide Notification No. 2473/67-KSA-2016-900(2)/2010, dated December 29, 2016, Hon'ble Governor, Uttar Pradesh was pleased to appoint December 29, 2016 as the date on which the aforesaid Act would come into force.
The Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology And Sciences (SHUATS) is striving to acquire a place in the arena of International science and technology while holding a pioneering status in India. The University offers fourty-two (42) undergraduate programmes, hundred and one (101) postgraduate programmes, sixteen (16) diploma programmes and doctoral programe in various disciplines.
The teaching and research faculties of the University have highly qualified professionals, trained in specialized areas of agricultural science and technology with several of them holding postgraduate degrees and doctoral degrees from universities abroad. The State Govt. of Uttar Pradesh had certified that the Institute is a Minority Educational Institution within the meaning of clause (i) of article 30 of the Constitution of India, vide their letter no. 4894 15-80 (ii) dated the 12th of Sept. 1980. Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, New Delhi vide D.O.No.F.20-71/2005-U.3 dated 21st December 2005 also recognized the Institute as a Minority Institution.
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), an autonomous institution of University Grants Commission (UGC) accredited SHUATS with “A Grade” (CGPA of 3.14 out of 4) in 2013. In 2014, MHRD, Govt. of India placed the University in “A” category. SHUATS was also accredited in 2009 by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and in 2010 by Indian Council of Forest Research Education (ICFRE). SHUATS is also ISO 9001:2008 certified institution. The University is a recognized member of Association of Indian Universities (AIU), Indian Agricultural Universities Association (IAUA), International Association of Universities (IAU), All India Association for Christian Higher Education (AIACHE), Association of Commonwealth Universities, Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI), Global Consortium of Higher Education and Research for Agriculture (GCHERA).
Students enrolled in the academic programmes are exposed to various technical training, which enables them to develop skills in their respective fields. The University keeps the students informed about potential job opportunities and helps them in making prudent decisions for their careers. It maintains and promotes close linkages and active contact with potential employers, both national and multinational, while involving their executives and facilitates their interaction with the students through lectures, discussions and classroom participation.
Objectives of the University (Refer Section 7 of SHUATS Act No. 35 of 2016)
(i) make provisions for the rural masses of Uttar Pradesh and general population as a whole in the different branches of studies particularly Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Engineering, Technology & Sciences, Rural Industry, Business and other allied disciplines, and promote entreprenureship;
(ii) further the promotion of teaching and research, particularly in Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Human Health, Religious and Moral Education through Christian Theology and Higher Education Disciplines relevant to holistic development of the Society;
(iii) undertake field and extension programmes;
(iv) innovate in education leading to re-structuring of courses, new methods of teaching and learning, and integral development of personality through distance learning/ continuing education / and e-learning;
(v) conduct study in various innovative disciplines;
(vi) conduct studies, Research and Extension programmes for poverty alleviation, and enhancing food security for the poorest of the poor under the founder's vision “Feed the Hungry and Serve the Land”;
(vii) conduct Inter-disciplinary studies and disseminate and advance knowledge by providing instructional, research and extension facilities in such branches of learning as it may deem fit;
(viii) promote national integration, Indian culture and languages and international understanding;
(ix) bring the Christian Community into the main stream and ensure overall development thereof by imparting all modern and higher, professional, theological and spiritual education.
Powers of the University (Refer Section 9 of SHUATS Act No. 35 of 2016)
(i) in addition to Agriculture Education and Research, Engineering, Technology and Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Humanities and Social Science, and Management, to provide for instruction in such branches of learning as the University may, from time to time, determine and to make provision for research and for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and skills;
(ii) excepting the branches of Agriculture Education, Research, Extension, Sciences, Engineering and Technology, and relevant allied disciplines, the University will obtain no objection for starting new academic programmes in other branches from the State Government, and permission of the concerned statutory councils as may be applicable.
(iii) to promote the study of the philosophy and culture of India;
(iv) to promote educational and cultural advancement of Christians in India, and to provide for the study of Christianity, to give instruction in Christian theology and religion and to impart moral and spiritual training;
(v) to grant, subject to such conditions as the University may determine, diplomas or certificates to, and confer degrees or other academic distinctions on the basis of examinations, evaluation or any other method of testing, on persons, and to withdraw any such diplomas, certificates, degrees or other academic distinction for good and sufficient cause;
(vi) to confer honorary (Honorius Causa) degrees or other distinctions in the manner prescribed by the statutes;
(vii) to organize and to undertake extra-mural studies and extension services and other measures for the promotion of adult education;
(viii) to provide, instruction, including Distance Education, and correspondence courses;
(ix) to cooperate or collaborate or associate with any other University, authority or institution of higher learning in such manner and for such purpose as the University may determine;
(x) to make provision of research and consultancy and for that purpose to enter into such arrangements with other institutions or bodies as the university may deem necessary.
(xi) to approve persons working in any institution co-operating, collaborating or associating with the University, for imparting instruction or supervising research, or both, and to withdraw such approval;
(xii) to create teaching and non teaching posts, research and extension posts required by the University and to appoint persons to such posts;
(xiii) to appoint persons as Professors, Associate Professors, or Assistant Professors, lecturers and others as teachers of the University;
(xiv) to appoint persons as visiting Professor/Scientist, Consultants on such terms as it may deem fit.
(xv) to build up a body of academia or establish new academic faculties, in order to perform academic functions, and to pay them remuneration in the manner prescribed;
(xvi) to provide for the terms and conditions of service of-
(a) teachers and other members of the academic staff appointed by the University;
(b) teachers and other members of the academic staff appointed by any college or institution; and
(c) other employees, whether appointed by the University or any other college or institution;
(xvii) to appoint persons working in any other University or organization as teachers of the University for a specified period or on regular basis;
(xviii) to institute and award fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes;
(xix) to make provision for research and advisory services, and for that purpose to enter into such arrangements with other institutions or bodies as the University may deem necessary;
(xx) to declare a center, an institution, a College, a Department, a School as an autonomous center, institution, College, or Department or School, as the case may be in accordance with the statutes;
(xxi) to arrange to send visiting committees to college and institutions at the association stage and also during the period of association at regular intervals;
(xxii) to coordinate the work of different colleges and institutions working in the same and similar areas;
(xxiii) to set up central facilities like computer center, instrumentation center, library, etc;
(xxiv) to set up curriculum development centers for different subjects;
(xxv) to prescribe fees for the University, colleges and institutions;
(xxvi) to determine standards for admission into the University, which may include examination, evaluation or any other method of testing;
(xxvii) to demand and receive payment of fees and other charges;
(xxviii) to supervise and control the residential accommodation and to regulate the discipline of students of the University and to make arrangements for promoting their health and welfare;
(xxix) to make such special arrangements in respect of all women students and students belonging to Christian community as the University may consider desirable;
(xxx) to create administrative, Ministerial and other necessary posts and to make appointments thereto;
(xxxi) to regulate the work and conduct of the employees of the University and of the employees of the colleges and institutions;
(xxxii) to regulate and enforce discipline among the employees and students of the University and take such disciplinary measures in this regard as may be deemed necessary;
(xxxiii) to prescribe code of conduct for management of Associated Colleges and Institutions and enter into Memorandum of understanding for Association;
(xxxiv) to make arrangements for promoting the health and general welfare of the employees of the University and those of colleges and institutions.
(xxxv) to receive benefactions, donations and gifts from persons and to name after them such chairs, institutions, buildings and the like as the University may determine, whose gift or donation to the University is worth such amount as the University may decide;
(xxxvi) to acquire, hold and manage movable or immovable property including endowment properties with prior permission of the Founder Society/Senate, for the purposes of the University;
(xxxvii) to borrow with the approval of the Senate and Board of Management, on security of the property of the University, Money for the purposes of the University;
(xxxviii) to initiate measures to enlist the co-operation of the industry to provide complementary facilities for the students;
(xxxix) to provide for instruction through “distance learning” and “open approach” and for mobility of students from the non-formal (open learning) stream to the formal stream and vice-versa;
(xl) to prescribe a Code of Ethics for the teachers, Code of conduct for other employees and Code of Discipline for the students; and
(xli) to do all such acts and things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the objects of the University;