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Executive Board of the Society (EBS)
No. Societies Members
1) Chairman of the Society Chairman
2) Vice Chairman of the Society Vice Chairman
3) Vice- Chancellor of the University Executive Secretary
4) Permanent/Life Time Members Dr. J. A. Oliver – First Pro Chancellor and Rev. [Prof. Dr.] Rajendra B. Lal – First and Founder Vice-Chancellor of SHIATS-DU and now SHUATS, respectively, (Board Resolution No.– BD/63-2007-13 dated November 27, 2007), Dr. (Mrs.) Sudha Lal, Rt. Rev. Isidore Fernandez, Bishop of Roman Catholic Church, Diocese of Allahabad, Dr. (Mrs.) Reny Jacob, and Dr. S.A. Brown shall be permanent/life time members in their individual capacity of the Society and its Managing Committee (Society Resolution No.– SHECS/2011-9 dated September 16, 2011).
Prof. (Dr.) Ranjan A. John, Treasurer of the Society, admitted as Permanent/Life Time Member of the Society, vide MCS Action No. MCS/37-2017-14 dated 9th January 2017.
Vide Resolution No. MCS /39-2017-37 dated 22nd March 2017, Prof. (Dr.) ir. Jonathan A. Lal, Director (IPC) and ir. (Mrs.) Abhilasha Lal, Associate Director of School Education, admitted as Permanent/Life Time Members of SHECS and its Managing Committee as per Article A-IV(4).
5) Presiding Bishop of Yeshu Darbar or his nominee Member
6) Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) Member
7) Pro Vice Chancellor (Administration) Member
8) Treasurer of SHUATS/ Treasurer of the Society Member
9) Registrar of SHUATS Joint Executive Secretary
10) Finance Comptroller Member
11) Four members elected from the Society/SHECS for a period of three years. Members
12) Four members nominated by the Yeshu Darbar Trust/Church (Church of the Society) Members

Two Directors to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor
