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Faculty Board

As per Section 19 of U.P State Act No. 35 of 2016:-
1. There shall be a Faculty Board for each Faculty.
2. The Dean of the Faculty shall be Chairman of Faculty Board.
3. The following shall be members of Faculty Board:
  a) All Deans of the College/Schools in the Faculty.
  b) All Heads of Departments of the College/Schools under faculty.
  c) All Professors other than Heads of Departments.
  d) One Associate Professor other than Heads of Departments from each department of the College/Schools.
  e) One senior Assistant Professor other than Head of Department from each of the College/Schools.
  f) One Associate/Assistant Professor of the independent subject assigned to the Department not represented by a, b, c, d and e.
  g) All Principal Investigators of research projects of the faculty.
  h) All Guest Professors/Emeritus Scientists/Visiting Professors in the subjects taught in the Faculty.
  i) Two retired eminent Teachers/ Professors/ Scientists from Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, or other Institutions/ Universities of repute for a period of three years.
4. In the absence of Dean of Faculty, the Vice-Chancellor shall nominate a senior College Dean as acting Dean of Faculty for a specified period.
5. The Faculty Board shall constitute all Board of Studies for Under Graduate and Post-Graduate programmes of the Faculty.
6. The Faculty Board shall receive recommendations regarding new programmes, revision of courses and syllabi etc. for Academic Council from Colleges and after necessary amendments, to be sent to the Academic Council for its approval.
7. The Faculty Board may make recommendations to Academic Council regarding new programmes independently
8. The Vice-Chancellor shall approve names of the examiners as proposed by Board of Studies of various Colleges/Departments in the Faculty.
9. The Faculty Board shall supervise academic discipline and report the same to the Vice-Chancellor.
10. The Faculty Board shall meet regularly every two months and monitor the overall academic, research and extension activities of the Faculty.
11. No matter to be taken up by the Academic Council shall by-pass the Faculty Board except the matters, which have been approved by the Vice-Chancellor.
12. The Faculty Board shall have power to debar a teacher from examinership of the University.
13. The Faculty Board shall be responsible for necessary verification of the eligibility of appointed examiners by the Board of Studies before forwarding them for the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.
14. The quorum of the meetings shall be more than 50% of its strength.

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