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190 | Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition 1978 | Haresign, William | utterworth‐Heinema | Animal Science | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780408710114 |
191 | Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition 1979 | Haresign, William | utterworth‐Heinema | Animal Science | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780408710121 |
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193 | Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition | Haresign, W. | utterworth‐Heinema | Animal Science | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780408710145 |
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S. No. |
Title |
Authors |
Publish Year |
1 |
How to Influence and Persuade 2nd edn |
Owen, Jo |
2014 |
2 |
Leading the Way ePub eBook |
Leigh, Andrew;Maynard, Michael |
2014 |
3 |
Doing Research in Business and Management |
Saunders, Mark N.K.;Lewis, Philip |
2014 |
4 |
Acquisition Essentials |
Rankine, Denzil;Howson, Peter |
2014 |
5 |
Brand You : Turn Your Unique Talents into a Winning Formula |
Purkiss, John;Royston-Lee, David |
2012 |
6 |
Webs of Influence : The Psychology of Online Persuasion |
Nahai, Nathalie |
2012 |
7 |
Essential Economics for Business (formerly Economics and the Business Environment) |
Sloman, John;Jones, Elizabeth |
2014 |
8 |
FT Guide to Management : How to be a Manager Who Makes a Difference and Gets Results |
Francke, Ann |
2014 |
9 |
FT Guide to Banking |
Arnold, Glen |
2014 |
10 |
Accounting and Finance: An Introduction |
Atrill, Peter;McLaney, Eddie |
2014 |
11 |
Human Resource Management 9th edn |
Torrington, Derek;Hall, Laura;Taylor, Stephen |
2014 |
12 |
Law for Business Students 8th edn |
Adams, Alix |
2014 |
13 |
Economics |
Parkin, Michael;Powell, Melanie;Matthews, Kent |
2014 |
14 |
Corporate Finance and Financial Strategy |
Davies, Tony;Crawford, Ian |
2014 |
15 |
Business Information Systems for Accounting Students |
Kristandl, Gerhard;Quinn, Martin |
2014 |
16 |
Go-To Expert, The : ow to Grow Your Reputation, Differentiate Yourself From the Competition and Win New Business |
Townsend, Heather;Baker, Jon |
2014 |
17 |
Powering through Pressure |
Hoverd, Bruce |
2014 |
18 |
One Page Business Strategy |
Van Eck, Marc;Leenhouts, Ellen |
2014 |
19 |
Business Networking - The Survival Guide : How to make networking less about stress and more about success |
Kintish, Will |
2014 |
20 |
Business Law |
MacIntyre, Ewan |
2014 |
21 |
Exchange Rates and International Finance 6th edn |
Copeland, Laurence |
2014 |
22 |
Financial Times Guide to Selecting Shares that Perform, The : 10 ways to beat the stock market |
Koch, Richard;Gough, Leo |
2014 |
23 |
Quantitative Methods for Business and Management |
Wall, Stuart;Mitchell, Chris;Coday, Claire |
2014 |
24 |
Simply Visual Basic 2010: An App-Driven Approach |
Deitel, Harvey M.;Deitel, Paul J.;Deitel, Abbey |
2014 |
25 |
Multinational Business Finance: Global Edition |
Eiteman, David K.;Stonehill, Arthur I.;Moffett, Michael H. |
2014 |
26 |
Supply Chain Management: Global Edition |
Chopra, Sunil |
2014 |
27 |
Using MIS, International Edition |
Kroenke, David M. |
2014 |
28 |
Macroeconomics, International Edition |
Hubbard, R. Glenn;O'Brien, Anthony P.;Rafferty, Matthew P |
2014 |
29 |
Money, Banking and the Financial System, International Edition |
Hubbard, R. Glenn;O'Brien, Anthony P |
2014 |
30 |
Corporate Finance: The Core, Global Edition |
Berk, Jonathan;DeMarzo, Peter |
2014 |
31 |
FT Essential Guide to Making Business Presentations ePub eBook |
Khan-Panni, Philip |
2013 |
32 |
PMP Certification, 2/e : Excel with ease |
Chandramouli, Subramanian |
2013 |
33 |
Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits, and Applications, International Edition, 4/e |
Rashid, Muhammad H. |
2014 |
34 |
Data Structures and Abstractions with Java |
Carrano, Frank M. |
2014 |
35 |
Adaptive Filter Theory : International Edition |
Haykin, Simon |
2014 |
36 |
Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, International Edition |
Stallings, William |
2014 |
37 |
Microeconomics:Global Edition |
Perloff, Jeffrey |
2014 |
38 |
Business Communication Today, Global Edition |
Bovee, Courtland;Thill, John |
2014 |
39 |
Introduction to Materials Science,International Edition |
Douglas, Elliot P. |
2014 |
40 |
Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards, International Edition |
Stallings, William |
2014 |
41 |
Visual Basic 2012 How to Program, International Edition |
Deitel, Abbey;Deitel, Harvey;Deitel, Paul |
2014 |
42 |
Internet and World Wide Web How to Program |
Deitel, Harvey M.;Deitel, Paul J.;Deitel, Abbey |
2014 |
43 |
Engineering Ethics, International Edition |
Fleddermann, Charles |
2014 |
44 |
E-commerce 2014, Global Edition, 10/e |
Laudon, Ken;Traver, Carol |
2014 |
45 |
e-marketing, International Edition |
Strauss, Judy;Frost, Raymond |
2014 |
46 |
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, International Edition |
Weiss, Mark A. |
2014 |
47 |
MATLAB for Engineers |
Moore, Holly |
2014 |
48 |
Quantitative Analysis for Management, Global Edition |
Render, Barry;Stair, Ralph M.;Hanna, Michael E. |
2014 |
49 |
Signals, Systems, & Transforms: International Edition |
Phillips, Charles;Parr, John;Riskin, Eve |
2014 |
50 |
Operations Research, 2e |
Natarajan, A. M. |
2014 |
51 |
Quantum Mechanics |
Murugan, V. |
2014 |
52 |
Cloud Computing : A Practical Approach for Learning and Implementation |
Srinivasan, A.;Suresh, J. |
2014 |
53 |
Programming in MATLAB ® : A problem-solving approach |
Patel, Ram N.;Mittal, Ankush |
2014 |
54 |
Physics at a Glance : For Class XI & XII, Engineering & Medical Entrance and other Competitive Exams |
Kumar, Abhay |
2014 |
55 |
Chemistry at a Glance |
Mishra,Manoj |
2014 |
56 |
Concepts of Database Management Systems (BCA) |
Naik, Shefali |
2014 |
57 |
Discrete Mathematical Structures, 1/e |
Gupta, U.S. |
2014 |
58 |
Mathematics at a Glance |
Misha, Sanjay |
2014 |
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