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Department of Dairy Microbiology
The scope of Dairy Microbiology stretches right from the production of raw material till it is utilized by the consumers. In other words, the contamination of food and milk with spoilage and disease producing micro-organisms can occur at any stage of production, processing, marketing and utilization. In view of the possible presence of spoilage and pathogenic micro-organisms in food and milk products, their microbial quality needs to rigorously controlled / monitored with regard to both number and the type of micro flora present. A microbiological analysis is of these contaminating sources and taking up of the adequate measures to reduce their microbial load, are the effective steps of a quality control programme in Food and Dairy Industry. In order to achieve these objectives a systematic programme of microbiological quality control is required and needs to be followed rigorously both at farm level as well as in the bigger food and dairy plants. Keeping in view the prescribed syllabi of Food and Dairy Science Colleges of India and needs of the food and dairy industry, the department of Dairy Microbiology provides the general information (introductory part, definition, types of the product, composition, standards) and knowledge about microbiological quality, factors affecting microbiological quality, microbiological defects, public health significance and microbiological quality control tests.

Visiting Faculty:
  • Dr. B. L. Khan, (Ret. Prof.), CSAU, Kanpur
  • Dr. A. K. Tripathi, IGAU, Raipur

  • Dairy Food Quality and Safety Laboratory