A natural resource is any asset that we can obtain from our environment: water, soil, plants, wind, animals, minerals, the energy of the sun and many others. Natural resources are often seen in terms of economic value, because so many of them are crucial for people’s livelihoods.
The department provides scientific and technical understanding of natural resources, environment & ecology and the life-supporting capacity of those resources. Natural resource professionals work in a variety of fields that are focused on natural resource renewal, management, and conservation. These professionals are active in the fields of water resources, micrometeorology, wetland conservation, soil, groundwater, air quality, atmosphere, weather & climate, forest, wildlife, fisheries management, and aerial photographic imagery to name a few. The department exploits nature for energy, food supply, freshwater, development of oil and gas, and the mining of resources such as coal, metals and rock for construction. As the natural resources decline, there is an ever increased pressure to apply management practices and technology to manage the natural resources and deteriorating environment. The department is involved in teaching, research and extension activities as well as training programmes for students and stakeholders like farmers, entrepreneurs, Govt. Organizations & NGOs covering various aspects/ information regarding environment. The department is well equipped with laboratories, highly qualified faculty and has intimate links with local and national research organizations.
Thrust areas
- Water Quality assessment of domestic and industrial pollution flow into water bodies and status of various interventions. Pollution abatement in rivers, lakes and water bodies.
- Waste Management of municipal solid waste and status of adherence to Municipal Solid Waste rules; bio-medical waste; plastic waste; hazardous waste; electronic waste.
- Application and Development of GIS and remote sensing in natural resource management
- Sustainable utilization and monitoring of natural resources.