Phone: +91-532-2684297
Fax: +91-532-2684410

Department of Agronomy
Agronomy is the branch of agriculture that looks after soil management, crop rotation, weed and pest control, and the effects of the climate on crops, and therefore, plays a critical role in crop growth and food production. Demand for the agronomist is strong; whether as a farmer, farm employer or for providing technical support or marketing services in the agriculture sector. Employment opportunities for agronomists are expected to grow. Past agriculture research has created higher-yielding crops with better resistance to pests and plant pathogens, and more effective fertilizers and pesticides. Research is still necessary, however, particularly as insects and diseases continue to adapt to pesticides and as soil fertility and water quality continue to need improvement.

The agronomist will be needed to find ways to increase the output of crops used in these products. Agronomists will also be needed to balance increased agricultural output with protection and preservation of soil, water, and ecosystems. Agronomists encourage the practice of sustainable agriculture by developing and implementing plans to manage pests, crops, soil fertility and erosion, and animal waste in ways that reduce the use of harmful chemicals and do little damage to farms and the natural environment. Apart from the undergraduate programme, the department offers postgraduate degree in agronomy as well as Ph.D. The department has latest research facilities and encourages students to have sustained hands-on experience on field-crop management. All subjects in agriculture are interrelated to agronomy.

Lab Facilities
Crop Production Lab
Crop Physiology Lab